
    Exhibition – NCSC/Science etc

    PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya No 1 Ambala Cantt. organises various types  of Science Exhibitions and Olympiads to promote Students’ interest in science and technology, to engage students in learning new facts and inventions with a zeal of interest and to explore the creative talent of the students and force them to think outside of the box. It helps in developing a scientific attitude towards a  problem. The students of the vidyalaya participate each year in NCSC (National Children’s Science Congress program), which is a flagship program of the Department of Science and Technology of Government of India. The objective of National Children’s Science Congress program is to exhibit creativity and innovativeness, more particularly to solve a societal problem experienced locally using methods of science by the school children .

    Photo Gallery

    • science exhibition science exhibition
    • Child doing science experiment Child doing science experiment